Media Academy of Satireology
Media Academy of Satireology specializes in teaching the curriculum of satirical media and journalism. It includes academic articles and satirical pieces, providing opportunities for training in its strategies and tools."
73 Courses
2 Students
The Art of Satirical Marketing: Turning Products into Humorous and Engaging Stories
20 Lessons0 Studentsاستراتيجيات السخرية في التسويق: كيف تجذب انتباه الجمهور؟
0 Lessons0 StudentsStrategies of Satire in Marketing: How to Capture the Audience’s Attention?
20 Lessons0 Students- Free
الكاريكاتير السياسي: الأدوات والأساليب لنقل الرسائل بفعالية
0 Lessons0 Students - $59.00
Political Caricature: Tools and Techniques for Effectively Conveying Messages
15 Lessons0 Students - Free
رسم الشخصيات الكاريكاتيرية: الابتكار والتفرد
0 Lessons0 Students - $120.00
Caricature Character Drawing: Innovation and Uniqueness
17 Lessons0 Students - Free
تقنيات التعبير العاطفي في فن الكاريكاتير
0 Lessons0 Students